From Apartment Therapy

1. Wallpaper Lining: Audrey from This Little Street swears by this product, and uses it as a liner on the wall, before applying a second layer of decorative wallpaper. She says it smooths out any uneven surface, and is strippable when you move out. It also seems like a good solution when you want to use regular non-removable wallpaper, but can’t in a rental.

(Image credit: Manhattan Nest)

2. Double-sided Carpet Tape: Use this adhesive tape to hold down temporary flooring (as Daniel tried with rubber sheets in his kitchen, above), or for carpet tiles, stair treads. There’s also a product called Hold-It Adhesive specifically for rugs on hard floors.

→ Temporary But Effective: 5 Ideas for Hiding or Minimizing an Ugly Floor

(Image credit: Home Depot)

3. Peel and Stick Tile Sheets: I spotted these at Home Depot, and thought they looked interesting — especially the white subway and hex designs. You can install them over other tile and, when it’s time to take them down, you aim a hairdryer in their direction, and the heat helps pry them off. There are tons of reviews over on the website, so read those first to see if they are right for you.

(Image credit: Emma Jeffs)

4. Window Film: You can be as plain or as decorative as you want to be with static cling or adhesive film for privacy and decoration. Basics are available at Lowe’s and Amazon, and more decorative versions can be found at the Scandinavian Design Center and Emma Jeffs.

→ 15 Modern Window Films

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