When you think about decorating the living room of your new apartment, getting the sofa just right is probably one of the first things that springs to mind. It’s an important focal point and serves as both “Social Central” when you’re entertaining visitors and as your own special place to crash and unwind at the end of a busy day. Whether you’re choosing a new sofa or have to make an older one work, the great news is that one key piece of furniture can be far more flexible than most people think! All you need to turn one sofa into five different looks is a small budget and some time to shop … for pillows!

The first tip here is to start with a somewhat neutral canvas. If your sofa isn’t already a solid color, you might want to consider making it one by adding a slipcover. When I say “neutral canvas”, I don’t mean that you have to take it literally and go with something beige, gray or brown … any color will serve as a fabulous foundation, but solids are generally easier to accessorize than prints. Once you have your foundation down, it’s time to pile on the pillows!

Option One: Build a Collection. Choose pillows that you love for what they are … they don’t have to be all the same color or style. Your goal here is to curate a collection of artful cushions that are beautiful in their own right. If your style is eclectic or artsy, this is the choice for you. Express yourself and choose pillows that reflect your unique tastes and sense of style. The more variety of shape, color, texture and style, the more interesting and expressive your sofa will be!

Option Two: Pair Off. This classic option involves choosing two each of a larger cushion and a smaller accent pillow. Colors and styles can be contrasting or complimentary. To create the look, you’ll place one of the larger pillows on an angel at each end, then layer one of the smaller accent pillows in front of each.

Option Three: Try a Little Texture. For this look, you’ll choose a variety of pillows in a similar color theme, but with different textures to add depth visually and to the touch. Look for things like ruffles, fringes, beading, lace, piping, quilting, etc.

Option Four: Get Playful with Color. Alternate two or several colors in the same style or different styles, or create one layer of similar colors with smaller pillows in a contrasting or complimentary color in front.


Option Five: Shape Things up a Bit! Pillows come in all sort of amazing shapes and sizes, so don’t be limited to squares and rectangles! Mix in some rounds and barrel-shaped bolsters. Pillows are even available in ball-shaped rounds. Hunt around and have fun. Pillows are available in lots of different places, so don’t feel like you have to build your collection all in one place.

You only have one apartment and you probably only have one sofa, but that doesn’t mean either has to be boring! Pile on the pillows and pile on the personality, too!