Archive for the
‘Apartment Organizing Baton Rouge’ Category

School Closures and Shelter Openings Hurricane Irma Resources The Florida Department of Education is in contact with school districts, state colleges and universities for updates and to determine needs before, during and after emergency events. All school districts, colleges and universities are monitoring Hurricane Irma and collaborating with local emergency preparedness officials to make decisions that […]

  Celebrate Labor Day Labor Day is a day of rest or the last chance for many people to go on trips before the summer ends. For students, it is the last chance to organize parties before school starts again. In some neighborhoods, people organize fireworks displays, barbecues and public arts or sports events. The […]

Choose cushiony seating with legs West Elm has great neutral upholstery. But most importantly, soft cushions add luxury to the space. And tall legs lift the bulk of the sofa off the floor, making the sofa appear visually lighter. This IKEA one also fits the bill, and is even more affordable. If you can’t afford […]