During the holiday break, Southgate Towers implemented a huge upgrade to the Internet service. Southgate Towers is now on FIBER and each apartment home has been given a dedicated connection with up to 10 MB of service. Please reset your router for updated service to your home. You will also have the option to upgrade your package to one […]
Looking for a great gift for your favorite apartment denizen? Here are our favorite options for the 2014 holidays, designed to be both apartment-friendly and budget-friendly, too! The top and bottom plates of the Hamilton Beach Breakfast Sandwich Maker toast an English muffin while the middle cup cooks a perfect egg. Just add the […]
If you feel like a traditional Christmas tree will take up too much room in your apartment, or just don’t have the time or inclination to haul one up a few flights of stairs and then decorate it—but still want to have something like a tree to celebrate the season in your small space—then this […]
One of the most awesome things about the holiday season is that it’s also party season; and the perfect opportunity to get your friends together to show off your beautiful apartment and share some holiday hospitality with the people in your life. Giving your party a special theme is a great way to add to […]